Acupuncture Therapy: Lead to Numerous Health Benefits

Acupuncture Therapy: Lead to Numerous Health Benefits

Acupuncture is a traditional alternative therapy that is thought to be two millennia old. It originates from China with the earliest known instance of the therapy dating back to about 400 BC. However, it is only recently that the western world has begun to appreciate this therapeutic method. With growing consensus on the health benefits, there are an increasing number of clinics offering treatment with acupuncture. If you are wary of chemical substances and pharmacological medicines, acupuncture may be a suitable alternative.

How Does Acupuncture Therapy Work:

For a layman, acupuncture is like a Pandora’s Box full of abracadabra, voodoo and everything mystical. But this is far from true. According to ancient Chinese science, our body’s health depends on a channel of ‘qi’ or energy. Every time this flow is hindered due to internal or external forces, we fall ill. Acupuncture therapists insert fine needles to certain points on our body along this “qi” channel to resolve illness. Acupuncture requires a good understanding of physiology during needle placement, therefore requiring in-depth knowledge and precision.

Who Can Use Acupuncture Therapy:

Acupuncture, when done correctly, is absolutely safe for anyone and everyone. In China, everyone uses it, irrespective of gender, age, social and economic status. Its popularity is rising in western countries as well. In London, you will find a score of acupuncture therapy clinics running successfully. Some clinics here have teams with over a century’s worth of experience. People often use it as preventive medicine to ensure smooth flow of “qi”, or when health issues arise from accidents or excessive stress. The procedure may be unsettling for kids but is absolutely safe for them. Unlike pharmacological and surgical treatments there is no possibility of harmful side effect, no damage due to prolonged use of medicine and no trauma following surgery.

Before Acupuncture Therapy:

Since it deals with our internal energy, acupuncture requires certain conditions to be followed strictly. You should have a hearty meal before the therapy starts. Alcohol is strictly forbidden during your course of treatment. You can have tea, green tea or coffee, but none for at least an hour before the commencement of session. There are also some meal restrictions to be followed. Your specialist will discuss your course of treatment with you, and if the guidelines are followed correctly acupuncture can lead to numerous health benefits.

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Back on the dance floor

Mr Kaser Nazir was my second opinion foot specialist after not being happy with the "verdict on my future before". I had a plantar plate injury. For a full time professional dancer teacher this was devastating. After meeting Mr Nazir I felt instantly reassured and I knew this is all going to be good. He Continue Reading

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