Effective Ways to Control Chronic Back Pain

Effective Ways to Control Chronic Back Pain

Back pain is said to be chronic when it continues for more than three months at a stretch. In many cases, the patient may not know the cause of chronic back pain, during which time it can be difficult to deal with it. While there are some ways by which chronic back pain can be managed or treated, the doctor will first try to find out the underlying causes that are responsible for such painful sensations of the back.

There are a number of causative factors that have been associated with chronic back pain over the years. Some of them are listed below.

  • Spinal stenosis, a condition that involves narrowing of the spinal canal, which can cause nerve pains
  • Spinal Arthritis or the gradual thinning of cartilage within the spine
  • Myofascial pain syndrome, which is unexplained muscle pains and tenderness
  • Disc problems like a bulging or herniated disc

While many cases of chronic back pain are due to increasing age, there can also be a range of other factors such as improper lifestyle and depression which can lead to such pains. In many cases, it can be rather difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. If that is the case, then the best course of action would be to practice different forms of nonsurgical pain management techniques. Some of these are discussed below in brief.

Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy and exercises are the best measures against chronic back pain. It is among the first measures for pain management that is often recommended if you have been suffering for quite some time. However, you should remember that the same exercises may not work for everyone and you must have an exercise regime that is tailored to your symptoms and exact nature of condition. A physical therapist may help you to learn the methods of retraining your posture, flexibility and stretching exercises, aerobic exercises and core strengthening as well as extending your pain tolerance limits.


Certain types of diets are considered highly inflammatory, particularly those that are high in trans fats, processed foods and refined sugars. Make sure that you get a customized diet chart for your own condition if you have been suffering from chronic back pains. You should also focus on maintaining a healthy weight so that it helps to minimize pressure on the spine.

Mindfulness and Meditation:

Chronic back pain can be extremely straining physically as well as emotionally. Therefore to manage the resulting irritability, frustration, depression and various other psychological elements of living with chronic back pain, you would probably need to consult a rehabilitation psychologist. The specialist may strongly recommend yoga, meditation, tai chi and various other relaxation and cognitive strategies for keeping your mind free from focusing on the pain associated with your condition.

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