Types Of Foot Conditions

Types Of Foot Conditions

Foot problems are some of the most common ailments that impact people all over the world. This is understandable, as one keeps using his or her feet all throughout the day to move from one place to another. Therefore, it is rather difficult for anyone to get any work done if he or she is affected by an injured or impaired foot. If you have been affected by a foot problem, you should immediately consult a foot specialist that can offer you appropriate solutions. All you have to do is type your location in Google and it will provide you with numerous suggestions of great, experienced doctors.

There are numerous foot conditions that can be treated by a foot specialist. Some of them are described below.


A bunion is basically a bump that is located right at the base or lower section of the big toe. The bunions usually occur from tissue or bone at this joint that has moved out of its place. Such a movement eventually forces the toe structure to bend inappropriately. A growing bump can often make it rather difficult for the patient to wear shoes. You may also develop these bunions just on the outside of your feet. In such cases, they would be referred to as “tailor’s bunions.” Professional foot specialists can offer non-surgical treatment methods such as icing, wearing bunion pads as well as other methods that help in reducing swelling. The doctor can also use anti-inflammatory medications. If such methods do not improve the condition, you may have to go for a bunionectomy to surgically removing the bunions.

Anomalies or alterations in the foot shape:

The shape of the feet can eventually change over time. While in some cases they do not pose any major threat, there are chances when they may present themselves as flattened arches. These flattened arches can occur along with ruptured tendons which are not functioning correctly any longer. When this takes place, arthritis sets in the joints and changes their shape in a major way.

Skin Irritations:

Skin irritations of various types can affect a person. For instance, you may find cracked and dry skin under your feet and around the heels. The cracks may even bleed if they become too deep. A foot doctor or physician can have a closer look at the cracking skin for making sure that there is no underlying health issue that is responsible for the skin irritation. If you want, you can also apply ointment for moisturizing the skin. There can also be variations in the skin color along with swelling that can indicate reduced blood supply or vein problems.

Plantar Warts:

Plantar Warts are are caused by a virus which penetrates the surface of the skin on the bottom section of the feet. Standard wart remedies are usually not able to cure plantar warts. They may or may not cause pain. Stubborn plantar warts are usually removed surgically.

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Back on the dance floor

Mr Kaser Nazir was my second opinion foot specialist after not being happy with the "verdict on my future before". I had a plantar plate injury. For a full time professional dancer teacher this was devastating. After meeting Mr Nazir I felt instantly reassured and I knew this is all going to be good. He Continue Reading

Monika Molnar

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