The Beneficial Aspects of PRP Therapy

The Beneficial Aspects of PRP Therapy

Over the last decade or so, medical science has improved a lot and led to the invention of numerous innovative treatments. One of them is PRP therapy, also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy. It is now widely perceived as a magic cure for a wide range of health issues, from serious injuries to encouraging hair growth. Doctors often recommend PRP therapy and this has invariably led to the growth of numerous PRP therapy centers in the UK during recent years. So, let’s have a closer look at PRP therapy, the way it works and the benefits that it can offer.

Platelets are essentially blood cells present in the body that are known to play multiple important roles. For instance, they help in the process of blood clotting and prevent excessive bleeding. The platelets also imbibe proteins within the blood that help the wounds to heal. Scientists and researchers believe that by injecting the areas of tissue damage or inflammations with high concentration of platelets, they can encourage the wounds to effectively heal. To achieve this goal, a small sample of blood is obtained from a person who is being treated. The blood sample is then put in a centrifuge that spins at a very high speed. Such a process helps to separate the platelets from the other blood components. Once the concentration of blood platelets is obtained, it is injected into the specific area of a person’s body to be treated. Since the injection contains a high concentration of platelets, which can be from 5 to 10 times more than the untreated blood, doctors theorize that the platelets will speed up healing.

There are many medical treatments for which PRP therapy is considered ideal. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Hair growth:

It has been found that injecting PRP on the scalp can be used to reduce inflammations that result in hair loss.

Reducing inflammations:

Medical experts have already used PRP therapy as a means to reduce signs of inflammation that are caused by osteoarthritis. Such inflammations can often cause the joints to become stiff and painful.

Tissue healing:

Doctors used PRP firstly to help people enjoy fast healing results after plastic surgeries and jaw operations. Some of the types of tissues on which PRP therapy has already been used include tendons, ligaments and muscles. In most traditional cases, the ligaments take up considerable amount of time in order to heal. PRP therapy can be a great way to initiate fast healing results so that a patient may get back to his or her normal life as quickly as possible.

Additional research is also being conducted to find out how PRP therapy can be used further to heal other parts of the body. Doctors are investigating the impacts of PRP therapy and its effectiveness in reducing pains associated with osteoarthritis and other forms of knee and joint pains.

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Mr Kaser Nazir was my second opinion foot specialist after not being happy with the "verdict on my future before". I had a plantar plate injury. For a full time professional dancer teacher this was devastating. After meeting Mr Nazir I felt instantly reassured and I knew this is all going to be good. He Continue Reading

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